Reminder: Clients Must Close Finalized or Unnecessary E-Verify Cases
COVID-19 delays previously kept Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) cases from being completed due to Social Security Administration (SSA) offices being closed. E-Verify has recently begun updating some referred TNC cases with final responses.
Cases that must be manually closed include those that were:
- Recently updated with final responses;
- Created in error;
- Created with incorrect information;
- Created for employees who are no longer employed; or
- Incomplete.
Cases that cannot be closed until final case results are issued include cases in a status of "Referred," "Verification in Process," or "Case in Continuance." Clients are required to check such cases often for results.
E-Verify will automatically close cases that receive a result of Employment Authorized.
Additional information and guidance on closing cases can be found in the E-Verify Quick Reference Guide for Employers as well as the E-Verify User Manual Section 4.1.
Posted: February 3, 2022
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