Dominican Government Begins Issuing Passport Extension Stamps Valid for Form I-9 Purposes
The new procedure will extend expiring passports with pending renewal applications for one year.
The Dominican government announced that beginning January 18, 2023, it would begin extending expiring passports with pending renewal applications. U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that they will honor these extended passports and accord them the same benefits as if they were facially valid.
A Foreign Passport can be used as one of a combination of documents to complete Form I-9. It is important to remember that if an employee presents a facially expired Dominican Passport to you as part of the employment verification process, you should be checking for the attached stamp because the document may be valid for Form I-9 purposes.

If you have any additional questions, please contact your sales executive, account manager, or our customer service team.
SOURCE: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Posted: February 9, 2023
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